
Three Reasons to use a Facial Cleansing Bar

When you were a kid you probably just used soap and water to clean your face. But, you’ve probably noticed that soap and water doesn’t cut it anymore as an adult or teen.

The sooner you start a skincare routine, the better your chance of having supple and youthful looking skin for the rest of your life.


Here are three Reasons to use a Facial Cleansing Bar


Ordinary Soap & Water Is Not as Effective – Although soap and water is OK for washing, it is not really the best for the face. This is because the harsh ingredients in soap can leave the skin feeling dry and tight. The contents of soap, which is an alkaline, and the skin, which is acid based, means that the PH balance can be a little off. The result is a face that feels taut, and sometimes a little sensitive.

Certain soap products can also lead to the clogging of pores. The residue form the alkaline based soap can seep through the skin’s layer and lead to infections.

Facial Cleansing Products Provide Specific Skincare Benefits – If you take a look at the range of products that are available, you will discover that you can purchase a cleanser in a soap-free bar, a liquid or as a foam. Each product has been designed to remove dirt and dead skin cells without leaving the skin dry and tight. They have been developed to cleanse without causing damage to the epidermis.

There are Some Great Alternatives to Soap & Water – Cleansing bars are specifically formulated to match your skin’s acid PH levels. These products will not dry out the skin after use.


A great example of a cleansing bar that sells really well on Amazon is called Vanicream Cleansing Bar. It is a fragrance free bar, which is perfect for people who have sensitive skin. The customer feedback for this product has been phenomenal. People have mentioned that this bar is suitable for those suffering from acne, those with dry skin and those who are allergic to many soap products.

Another excellent example is Cetaphil Antibacterial Gentle Cleansing Bar. You can buy this product in a pack of two or three. Again, it has also received high praise from satisfied customers.

If you want to ensure that your skin remains as soft and supple for as long as possible, it is highly recommended that you experiment and try out a range of facial cleansing products and brands in order to find the best for your skin type.


I'm Jenn Alex, a single mom , part time Business and Personal Coach, website designer, and style writer. You'll usually find me writing about fashion, working from home, or special needs kids and the parents who care for them.

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